Welcome to
Gotham's Kitten Rescue

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We are permanently closed!

As kitten season is opening and soon upon us, we as an organization have had to reassess our ability to continue through this year's season. The unfortunate answer to this question is no, we cannot. We are no longer financially able to move forward as a kitten rescue in the capacity we have been. The harsh reality is that, with the financial shortfall added to the upcoming change in New York’s state laws regarding shelters and rescues, the writing is on the wall for our tiny rescue.

So, here it is. We at Gotham’s Kitten Rescue are saddened to announce we are closed for intakes permanently. Last year we experienced financial hurdles we couldn’t overcome. We expect the same this year. Closing our doors to intakes is the only responsible thing to do.

That being said, we wish to thank everyone who has been here following us, supporting us, and donating to us through the last four seasons of saving these special tiny kittens. Our Guardians stepped up monthly to give our funds a bit of a boost. Your monthly aid was invaluable. We weren't able to save them all but we saved far more than we lost! That made everything worth it for us. Watching these tiny babies who struggled to survive get to go home to forever homes has been a highlight of our lives. We have cried happy tears and felt a joy that is indescribable.

You have been a wonderful support system through it all. We would also like to once again acknowledge, Benson’s Giving. Their last minute “Hail Mary” pass gave us the ability for one last push toward the goal line. Without their help we would have not had the funds to spay and neuter the remaining cats in our care. This week marks the final spays of adoptable cats. We have three remaining special needs kitties that need to be assessed before going for spays, but then that is it. We will have accomplished a monumental task that seemed impossible two months ago. We wholeheartedly thank Benson’s for giving us their support to do this!

Gotham’s will remain an active 501(c)3 as we have some special needs kitties who will remain with us as sanctuary instead of rescue.

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